Wednesday, July 13, 2016


This week's topic took a toll on me, more than any other week. We talked about divorce and the potential for blending families. Because of the sad nature of this topic it was difficult for many of us to stay positive. However, I learned something beautiful about the covenants we make in the temple, which I'd like to focus on.

First, a covenant is like a contract (a two-way promise), but it's a set of terms made by a superior party (that could be the government, God, etc.). These terms cannot be negotiated, changed, or altered. Both parties must rise up and meet the requirements of this covenant in order for it to be valid.

Second, in the sealing ordinance, the woman is asked if she will give herself unto her husband and if she will receive him. The husband is only asked if he will receive her. This, I believe, relates to the lot women were given in this world. It takes a lot more for a woman to give of herself in marriage and family life than perhaps it takes for a man. It's a clarifying question that God put in there to remind us of what we are really committing to.

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