Friday, July 1, 2016

Let's STICK together yeah yeah yeah

Women in the workplace is a touchy subject for me because I am so adamantly pro-stay-at-home-mothers. So talking about his topic in class was difficult because there wasn't a lot of discussion about involving God in the decision for the mother of a family to work. 

All cases are different and should be treated with care and compassion. However, in my own future family life I'd love to focus on the family as one entity, instead of individual persons. With the industrial revolution, men were pulled away from their divine roles in their home. The law of consecration was very prevalent before the revolution, with the entire family working their hardest together, to reach the same end-goal. The family was able to work and grow together. 

I have a hard time with anything that pulls a family apart. Be that school, work, travel, etc. In my family I hope to be able to move closer towards the divine nature of the entire family working together. 

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