Friday, May 20, 2016

Gender Roles

Gayness isn't an identity just like a pornography addict's addiction isn't their identity.

This is a very sensitive topic and I want to be careful about what I say because I understand that there is a lot of confusion and hurt following this topic. I love this video and I think it explains what I'd like to talk about today: Understanding Same-Gender Attraction.

I don't want to go into what makes people more attracted to one gender or another, because I don't think I'm qualified to defend my position in the way I need to on this platform, but I do want to talk about conversion therapy. In the video many men talk about how they identified as gay before, but realized that they weren't truly happy. Many of them wanted a traditional family because they knew it would make them happy, but they didn't know how. They found conversion therapy. It is not my goal to debate about the topic, but just to spark the thought that; if someone has same-gender attraction but doesn't want it, shouldn't there be therapy to help them come to terms with those thoughts?

Many groups are vehemently against this therapy because if it remains available it would support the theory that people aren't born gay, which is the slogan of many LGBT groups (Born this Way). Though there is so evidence that people are born with those tendencies (it is proven that people can be more susceptible to those feelings because of their social upbringing), many groups refuse to look at the data. I would suggest that if someone wants to be follow those same-gender attractions and there are support groups that encourage that, there should be groups for men and women who don't want to follow those attractions.

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