Thursday, May 5, 2016


Theory: an attempt to explain phenomena

Exchange Theory is an interesting concept to me. I think I very often fall into this way of thinking without necessarily meaning to. An over-simplified explanation of this theory is:

the rewards of the relationship - the cost of the the relationship = the value of the relationship

This is fascinating to me. It puts a very creative, emotional relationship and limits it to an analytical definition. It deals almost completely with a type of cost-benefit analysis. Simplifying relationships to "what can I gain from this" completely defeats the purpose of Christlike love in relationships. It becomes selfish, which is the opposite of charity (the pure love of Christ). Though we need to keep ourselves safe and protected in relationships, by determining the worth of the relationship by what we get out of it limits our partner to an object we want something out of instead of treating them like a human being.

This week I want to focus more on how I deal with people around me. As I said, I often think of people in terms of how they can benefit me, as a survival tactic, and I need to focus on forming more healthy relationships instead of cost-benefit relationships.

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