Monday, June 20, 2016

Stress vs. Crisis

Stress' influences are short term, crisis' influence is long-term. That would be wrapping up this week's discussion very succinctly. 

Stress is a natural and necessary part of any relationship. Without it, the metaphorical "bones" of the relationship wouldn't be strong enough to hold it up. Just like our bones need some sort of stress put on them to be able to carry us places, our relationships need stress to hold the relationship together. Stress doesn't mean that the relationship is bad or negative, as long as it's dealt with healthily.

Once both partners have prepared themselves to cope under pressure, when crisis' happen, there won't be as much stress associated. It's all in the preparation. If a couple isn't properly prepped for marriage, they will bend an snap under duress. A couple should do everything in their power to make sure their "bones" or the things holding the relationship up, are strong and ready to cope.

An example of that is a swimming pool. The little rim around the side of the pool allows for the water to stay in (establishing boundaries), it is made up of strong material (a vitrus material that's typically been fired to over 1,000 degrees), and it's strong enough to stand up against the water slapping up against it day after day. Because it's been properly prepped, it prevents future crisis' from causing stress on the foundation. It also allows for stressors to remain stressors and not move to crises. 

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