Saturday, June 4, 2016

Marriage Transitions

Let's talk about transitioning into marriage.

Marriage is wonderful. It's an incredible blessing that only brings up closer to our Heavenly Father. There are a lot of factors that can contribute to early marriage stress. Some of the things we talked about in class were:

First Month: Tasks, Challenges, and Opportunities.

  • Always being together. Privacy? A couple will need to re-adjust to these boundaries, talk about alone time, and be able to accommodate each other's needs.
  • Combining schedules. 
  • Sharing a bed.
  • Saying what you feel NOW. When couples let things fester and build up, there can be blow ups and a general anxiety about the relationship. 
  • Sharing everything.
  • Rituals. Scripture study, prayer, church, meals, etc. Couples' rituals will need to be able to be combined and work together.
  • Entertainment
  • Patterns
  • Finances and Savings
  • Talk about Children
  • Sexual intimacy. Transitioning into having sex as a couple, and being able to work on the sexual relationship together. Being open, honest, and truthful about expectations and experiences.
  • Chores around the house.
The first month in particular is very hard on any couple. But, if the couple is willing to work together and be accommodating to each other the first month will run as smooth as possible.

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