Thursday, June 23, 2016


"Where no council is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety," (Proverbs 11:14).
Let's talk about the true order of council. Whoot!

Good, compassionate communication = expression of pain - blame
Defensiveness = expression of pain + blame

All councils (like the GA meeting in the temple for their councils) should be done in a sacred, set-apart place where members can be closest to the Lord. It should be without distractions with the ability to access the spirit.

The chiasmus:
a. Express love and appreciation
b. Open with prayer
c. Discuss to censuses (surprisingly open), each person needs to be settled, the Lord's will.
b. Close with a prayer
a. Refreshments

Opening all councils with expressions of love will allow for the Spirit to be invited to the council. It helps all members be "surprisingly open" by bearing their souls and allowing their spirit to communicate with one another. All members should be trying to come to the conclusion of what the Lord would have them do, instead of trying to be right. Our Heavenly Father wants to inspire us perhaps much more than we want to be inspired. We need to have the courage to allow Father to correct us.

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